

Who we are?


Updated on April 11, 2024

The Biomedical Engineering Departament (NIB) of the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering is an interdisciplinary group active in teaching, research and technology transfer in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics. NIB contributes to the training in Biomedical Engineering to face the challenges of medical instrumentation in health institutions. Its participation in university outreach is divided between the contribution to assistance and the involvement of students in projects in the area.


NIB has some teaching positions, awards research grants, makes international agreements, and executes agreements with government authorities and companies in areas of its speciality, always linked to innovation or technology transfer.
Its headquarters are at the Hospital de Clínicas to capture the needs for new instruments directly from clinical activity. As a result of an agreement between the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering, NIB's teaching work is integrated into the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and its health teachers are evaluated at the Faculty of Medicine.

Núcleo de Ingeniería Biomédica

Hospital de Clínicas, piso 15 sala 2
11600 Montevideo, URUGUAY
tel.: +598 1953 ext 4406 ext 4438

Our brief story


Updated on April 11, 2024

Clinical needs and students

The background of NIB (Biomedical Engineering Departament) can be found in the work teams promoted by Dr. Caldeyro Barcia in the 1960s and 1970s in which electronic technicians (Jorge Pantle, Hugo Cervetti, Carlos Avallone) collaborated in physiological research; equipment for the amplification of biological signals and the detection of foetal heartbeats by ultrasound were developed. At the Faculty of Medicine, engineers (Pablo Handler, Félix Azar, Ruben Budelli) worked in pioneering stages of the use of computers in neurophysiological research (1970 to 1973).

At the impulse of Dr. Eduardo Touya, Dr. Mario Médici and other doctors, in the 1970s and 1980s, business developments of equipment for nuclear medicine, clinical neurophysiology and cardiovascular signal monitors were born (Interfase Ltda., GMS Ltda., then Controles S.A., Dr. Horacio Venturino). The creation in 1982 of the first position of Clinical Engineer in a mutual institution (CASMU, Eng. Pedro Tonarelli) was an indication of the need to develop the speciality.

In 1984 a description of Biomedical Engineering was published at the 1st . (Franco Simini), which motivated the beginning of a continuous interest of engineering students in Biomedical Engineering. Engineering students are presented at NIB looking for electronic or mechanical projects to undertake and thus culminate their careers with biomedical knowledge. Simultaneously, several clinical services of the University Hospital (Dr. Héctor Píriz, Dr. Hernán Artucio, etc.) and basic research groups (Dr. Ricardo Velluti, Dr. Omar Macadar, Dr. Omar Trujillo) express their need for equipment and methodology for research, diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The clinical needs for original equipment are addressed by students and teachers who thus set up lines of research.

NIB is born

The first prototypes of biomedical equipment developed by teachers and students enter clinical service in 1987, with funding from research centres (CLAP) or development agencies (CONICYT) that support departments of the Faculty of Medicine. In 1990, on the basis of a set of concrete achievements, the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering (deans Dr. Pablo Carlevaro and Eng. A. Abete respectively) agree to create NIB on the basis of the principle of equal division of costs. In 1991 the first teaching post of coordinator was created (called for competition in 1993, and Franco Simini was appointed). The impulse of both faculty councils (deans Dr. Touya and Eng. Rafael Guarga) allows the consolidation of NIB from 1994 to 1997 with the support of CONICYT and the central structures of the University, which finances 5 teaching positions in training.

Collaborations with NIB

Since the creation of NIB, the Department of Automatic Control and Industrial Electronics (today the Dept. of Systems and Control) at the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering is its reference structure. At the Hospital de Clínicas (HC), the CLAP (PAHO/WHO Perinatology Centre) and the Department of Physiopathology share their activities with NIB in nearby premises. Numerous clinical departments (at HC and in other hospitals and clinics) collaborate with NIB in the definition and development of equipment and computer applications for medicine. International collaboration and collaboration with companies strengthen the potential of NIB. In the Faculty of Engineering, the Institutes of Computer Science, Industrial Mechanics and others collaborate through the participation of students and teachers in NIB projects and their interdisciplinary training plans.

Inauguration of the NIB's physical space - Tuesday October 20, 1998, 08:30 - Hospital de Clínicas, 15th floor, Room 2

The panel consisted of:

  • Prof. Ing. Rafael Guarga, university rector
  • Dr. José Miguel Belizán, Director of the CLAP
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Alallón, Director of the Hospital de Clínicas
  • Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ehrlich, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences
  • Prof. Ing. María Simón, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Luis Calegari, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
  • Prof. Ing. Rafael Canetti, Faculty of Engineering y CSIC
  • Prof. Dr. Eduardo Touya, past Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Henry Cohen supplies Dr. Enrique Besada, President of the Executive Committee del HC
  • Prof. Dr. Héctor Píriz, Director of the Physiopatology Department
  • NIB members: Prof. Agr. Dr. Fernando Nieto, Prof. Agr. Ing. Gregory Randall (absent due to travel) and Prof. Agr. Ing. Franco Simini

Speech by Prof. Agr. Ing. Franco Simini, coordinator of the Núcleo de Ingeniería Biomédica:

Good morning and thank you for the large attendance at this presentation of the NIB. The NIB is an academic structure that responds to two faculties of our University, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering. As this is a new development, a commitment to a new way of working, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering felt the need to analyse the path they have taken. On the occasion of the inauguration of new premises provided by CLAP (Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología y Desarrollo Humano OPS/OMS) as part of their collaboration, we have prepared this condensed data for your evaluation.

We are grateful for the support of CLAP, in whose classrooms we currently find ourselves, which as an expression of the willingness of the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health, to cooperate with us in the preparation of this report. of the Ministry of Public Health, PAHO/WHO and our University, is an integral part of this teaching and research effort. teaching and research effort. The director of CLAP who welcomes us is Dr. José Miguel Belizán.

We are grateful to the Hospital de Clínicas, with whose clinics and departments the NIB collaborates intensively as we shall see, to enable us to realise concrete projects and to be a source of creative inspiration by sharing care and research needs. The Hospital de Clínicas is among us in the person of its director Prof. Dr. Alallón and the President of its Board of Directors, Dr. Enrique Besada, represented today by Dr. Henry Cohen.

We thank the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering whose teachers contribute to the university work with constant dedication and desire for improvement. With us this morning are Professor Engineer María Simón and Prof. Dr. Luis Calegari, whose presence we would like to thank.

On this day we must especially thank the Faculty of Science which, in the person of its dean Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ehrlich, wanted to join us to reaffirm the commitment of the science teachers who participated with great generosity to the common task in seminars and specific advice on specific topics.

In the Faculty of Medicine, there are many partners and the list is too long; however, there is a vocation to cooperate with the Department of Physiopathology (Prof. Dr. Héctor Píriz) due to geographical and methodological proximity and the natural complementarity of their competencies. In the Faculty of Engineering, the Department that supports and backs up our work is the Department of Industrial Control and Electronics (Prof. Ing. Rafael Canetti).

The activities of the NIB are constantly supported by CLAP (PAHO/WHO); the NIB is implementing a CONICYT project and was able to hire 5 lecturers for two years thanks to the competitive award of funding from the Institutional Strengthening programme of the Sectoral Commission for Scientific Research (CSIC).

This presentation is possible thanks to the efforts of many people whom we thank here: the Hospital's cleaning staff, the telephone section and the entire maintenance team on floor 6. On the 4th floor, the team of students, computer scholarship holders and librarians will allow us to see the website of the Biomedical Engineering Nucleus on this giant screen of the CLAP. Special thanks to the Electronic Section, the general services group and all the CLAP staff for the coordinated tasks carried out with great efficiency. coordinated tasks carried out with great efficiency.

Special thanks to the clinical and research groups with whom we've defined and then built prototypes for medical use over the years: this work wouldn't have been possible without the contribution of the students who dedicate themselves to this task with enthusiasm and dedication.

Recognised and formally initiated by the deans Ing. Abete and Dr. Carlevaro, the NIB has been consolidated by the joint action of the deans Dr. Touya and Ing. Our multidisciplinary task with a view to creating a reference of excellence in health services, closely related to research and teaching, is naturally framed by the organisation proposed by the Medical Centre project. Thus, the total dedication to university activity that we are privileged to be able to maintain constitutes a foretaste of the status of driving force, reference and spearhead that we want for our HC in the entire health system of Uruguay, with a projection of complementarity in the region.

Last but not least, we would like to thank the Rector of the University, Prof. Ing. Rafael Guarga for his enthusiastic acceptance of our invitation.

This meeting will now continue with the presentation of some slides describing the activities of the NIB, after which those members of the table who so wish will address a few words to us, which must necessarily be telegraphic, as the Rector has other commitments to attend to just after 9 o'clock. Before his departure, we will have the pleasure of accompanying them on a brief tour of the three laboratories just a few metres from here, in room 2 of this 15th floor.

Eng. Rafael Canetti highlights the research and development efforts shared by two faculties.

Eng. Rafael Guarga (Rector of the University) points out that joint ventures are expansive in the modern university because of their success and their multiplying power.

Dr. J.M. Belizán presented the vocation of CLAP as a pioneering centre in Latin America and its willingness to cooperate in research.

Eng. Franco Simini presented slides with descriptions of the biomedical equipment developed and on the activities of the NIB: Seminar and Course on Biomedical Engineering, certification of equipment for clinical use and research.

Eng. María Simón (Dean of Engineering) highlights the achievements obtained and proposes the continuity of the positions in the Biomedical Engineering Nucleus that are currently term positions.

Dr. Luis Calegari (Dean of Medicine) agrees with Dean Simón on the need to give continuity to the economic effort of the faculties to maintain the NIB in activity.

Visit of the Rector, the other members of the board and attendees in general to the NIB laboratories where the instruments and the development infrastructure were presented.

The NIB teachers were present: Fernando Nieto, Pablo Musé, Rafael Sanguinetti, Franco Simini and Martín Vallarino.

It is estimated that 40 people attended, including HC professors, medical teachers, teachers from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Sciences, representatives of the press, students and businessmen from the biomedical equipment industry.

At 9:15 a.m., the Rector leaves, and an informal academic exchange takes place among those present.

Equipo NIB




Updated on April 11, 2024

Professors 2024

  • Prof. Ing. Franco Simini (NIB Coordinator) - CVUY
  • Prof. Agdo. Dr. Darío Santos (Phys.Med./Rehabilitation Dept.- HC, EUTM) - CVUY
  • Prof. Adj. Ing. Isabel Morales - CVUY
  • Prof. Dr. Javier Hurtado - CVUY
  • Prof. Dr. Francisco Pracca (Collaborating professor)
  • Prof. Adj. Ing. Antonio López Arredondo (INCO)
  • Prof. Adj. Ing. Silvana Pidre (INCO)
  • Prof. Dr. Oscar Noboa (Director of Nephrology Dept.-HC) - CVUY
  • Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Ferreira (Director of Biophysics Dept.) - CVUY
  • Prof. Dr. Marcelo David
  • Dra. Grazzia Rey (Gynaecotocology) - CVUY


  • Tec. Carolina Arámbulo - Lecturer (grade 1) (From 2023) - CVUY
  • Br. Mariana González - Lecturer (grade 1) (From 2023) - CVUY
  • Br. Danel Méndez - Lecturer (grade 1) (From 2023) - CVUY
  • Br. Alejandra Rial - Lecturer (grade 1) (From 2023) - CVUY
  • Ing. Pablo Sánchez - Lecturer (grade 1) (from2021) - CVUY
  • Lic. NFC. Natalia Garay - Lecturer (grade 2) (From 2019) - CVUY
  • Ing. Maria Rene Ledezma - Lecturer (grade 2) (From 2019)CVUY

Collaborating Teaching Professors

  • Ing. Rodolfo Grosso - CVUY
  • Dr. Horacio Venturino
  • Lic. Jacques Fauquex
  • Ing. Daniel Geido
  • Ing. Rafael Sanguinetti
  • Ing. Jorge Lobo
  • Ing. Tec. Fernando Borba - CVUY

Graphic Identity


Updated on April 11, 2024

Presentation Brochures


Updated on April 11, 2024

Folleto institucional - May 2011

Transferencia Tecnológica - May 2013

Institutional brochure - May 2012

Technology Transfer - May 2013

Photo Gallery


Updated on April 11, 2024



Updated on April 11, 2024

Presentación del Núcleo de Ingeniería Biomédica
Semana Académica del Hospital de Clínicas - día 3 (2023)

Demostración de ChakaMo (2023)

IIB - Convenio UdelaR (FIng - Fund. July Ricaldoni)
ASSE (Hosp. Maciel) | Sobreciencia - TV Ciudad (2022)

IMPETOM: un equipo para monitorear en
tiempo real pacientes con edema pulmonar
Sobreciencia - TV Ciudad (2022)

IIB 3 - ¿Qué beneficios trae el Internado de Ingeniería Biomédica a las empresas? | Unidad de Enseñanza - Facultad de Ingeniería (2022)

IIB 2 - El punto de vista de los estudiantes del Internado de Ingeniería Biomédica | Unidad de Enseñanza - Facultad de Ingeniería (2022)

IIB 1 - ¿Qué es el Internado de Ingeniería Biomédica? | Unidad de Enseñanza - Facultad de Ingeniería (2022)

Proyecto AEGO | Clínica Ginecotológica B
Hospital de Clínicas (2021)

Utilización del ultrasonido para inhibir focos epilépticos
Ingeniería de Muestra (2021)

DIAPODAL: prevención de lesiones en el pie diabético
Ingeniería de Muestra (2021)

¿Qué es Ingeniería Biomédica? | Entrevista realizada por estudiantes de SOMIB durante el CLAIB 2019,
Cancún, Mexico (2020)

Reparación de ventiladores mecánicos para el Uruguay
Grupo R y R (2020)

DINABANG - Entrenamiento deportivo
Movi (2020)

El Embriague (L'embrayage)
NIB - UDELAR - IPAM (2018)

Ventana al futuro: Núcleo de Ingeniería Biomédica: un ejemplo de trabajo interdisciplinario
En Perspectiva (2016)

CLABIO 2015 - Congreso
Latinoamericano de Bioimpedancia (2015)